Stormwater is rain or melting snow that does not infiltrate into the ground, but rather travels across landscapes such as construction sites, parking lots, roofs, and roadways accumulating pollutants such as trash, oil, fertilizer, and sediment.
The storm drain system serving the public streets, sidewalks, and alleyways in the City of Meridian is owned and operated by the Ada County Highway District (ACHD). Learn more about ACHD's Stormwater Management Program ».
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) is the permitting authority for stormwater permits. Stormwater permits are typically general permits and cover stormwater runoff from construction projects, industrial facilities, and municipal activities. For more information on stormwater permit requirements and to apply for a permit visit IDEQ ».
Meridian requires that all City-owned Capital projects, regardless of size, meet minimum erosion and sediment control provisions including installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs), monitoring dewatering operations, and construction site management in order to ensure that pollution prevention is occurring on all City-operated job sites.
Design Standards
Meridian’s Design Standards », Grading, and Drainage section contains requirements for the design of grading, drainage, and stormwater retention for a development project. In general, all stormwater generated on development projects must be retained and infiltrated within the development. Drainage calculations must conform to standards set forth in ACHD Policy Manual sections 8000 and 8200 calculations found here ».

Make a report
Stormwater Pollution Hotline 208-395-8888
Clogged/blocked storm drain – ACHD 208-387-6350

General Phone: 208-387-6100
Email/Form: Tell Us

Environmental Programs
Phone: 208-898-5500